If we learn one new thing about our deen everyday we open our minds to a better day

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Pemuda dan Sosialisasi

04.30 Posted by Ramadhani

Pemuda adalah golongan manusia manusia muda yang masih memerlukan pembinaan dan pengembangan kearah yang lebih baik, agar dapat melanjutkan dan mengisi pembangunan yang terutama bila dikaitkan dengan kesempatan pendidikan.

Pemuda Indonesia

Pemuda dalam pengertian adalah manusia-manusia muda, akan tetapi di Indonesia ini sehubungan dengan adanya program pembinaan generasi muda pengertian pemuda diperinci dan tersurat dengan pasti. Ditinjau dari kelompok umur, maka pemuda Indonesia adalah sebagai berikut :

Masa bayi            : 0 – 1 tahun
Masa anak            : 1 – 12 tahun
Masa Puber           : 12 – 15 tahun
Masa Pemuda          : 15 – 21 tahun
Masa dewasa          : 21 tahun keatas

Dari segi budaya atau fungsionalnya maka dikenal istilah anak, remaja dan dewasa, dengan perincian sebagai berikut :

Golongan anak        : 0 – 12 tahun
Golongan remaja      : 13 – 18 tahun
Golongan dewasa      : 18 (21) tahun keatas

Usia 0-18 tahun adalah merupakan sumber daya manusia muda, 16 – 21 tahun keatas dipandang telah memiliki kematangan pribadi dan 18(21) tahun adalah usia yagn telah diperbolehkan untuk menjadi pegawai baik pemerintah maupun swasta

     Pengertian pemuda berdasarkan umur dan lembaga serta ruang lingkup tempat pemuda berada terdiri atas 3 katagori yaitu :

1.    siswa, usia antara 6 – 18 tahun, masih duduk di bangku sekolah
2.    Mahasiswa usia antara 18 – 25 tahun beradi di perguruan tinggi dan akademi
3.    Pemuda di luar lingkungan sekolah maupun perguruan tinggi yaitu mereka yang berusia 15 – 30 tahun keatas.

Kedudukan pemuda dalam masyarakat adalah sebagai mahluk moral, mahluk sosial. Artinya beretika, bersusila, dijadikan sebagai barometer moral kehidupan bangsa dan pengoreksi. Sebagai mahluk sosial artinya pemuda tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, hidup bersama-sama, dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan norma-norma, kepribadian, dan pandangan hidup yagn dianut masyarakat. Sebagai mahluk individual artinya tidak melakukan kebebasan sebebas-bebasnya, tetapi disertai ras tanggung jawab terhadap diri sendiri, terhadap masyarakat, dan terhadap Tuhan Yang maha Esa.


Sosialisasi diartikan sebagai sebuah proses seumur hidup bagaimana seorang individu mempelajari kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang meliputi cara-cara hidup, nilai-nilai, dan norma-norma social yang terdapat dalam masyarakat agar dapat diterima oleh masyarakatnya.

Berikut pengertian sosialisasi menurut para ahli :

a. Keluarga
Pertama-tama yang dikenal oleh anak-anak adalah ibunya, bapaknya dan saudara-saudaranya.
b. Sekolah
Pendidikan di sekolah merupakan wahana sosialisasi sekunder dan merupakan tempat berlangsungnya proses sosialisasi secara formal.
c. Teman bermain (kelompok bermain)
Kelompok bermain mempunyai pengaruh besar dan berperan kuat dalam pembentukan kepribadian anak. Dalam kelompok bermain anak akan belajar bersosialisasi dengan teman sebayanya.
d. Media Massa
Media massa seperti media cetak, (surat kabar, majalah, tabloid) maupun media elektronik (televisi, radio, film dan video). Besarnya pengaruh media massa sangat tergantung pada kualitas dan frekuensi pesan yang disampaikan.
e. Lingkungan kerja
Lingkungan kerja merupakan media sosialisasi yang terakhir cukup kuat, dan efektif mempengaruhi pembentukan kepribadian seseorang.


     Sosialisasi merupakan salah satu proses belajar kebudayaan dari anggota masyarakat dan hubungannya degnan sistem sosial.
Proses sosialisasi melahirkan kedirian dan kepribadian seseorang. Kedirian (self) sebagai suatu prosuk sosialisasi, merupakan kesadaran terhadap diri sendri dan memandang adanya pribadi orang lain di luar dirinya. Kesadaran terhadap diri sendiri membuat timbulnya sebutan “aku” atau “saya” sebagai kedirian subyektif yang sulit dipelajari. Asal mula timbulnya kedirian :

1.           Dalam proses sosialisasi mendapat bayangan dirinya, yaitu setelah memperhatikan cara orang lain memandang dan memperlakukan dirinya.
2.           Dalam proses sosialisasi juga membentuk kedirian yang ideal. Orang bersangkutan mengetahui dengan pasti apa-apa yang harus ia lakukan agar memperoleh penghargaan dari orang lain.
            Thomas Ford Hoult, menyebutkan bahwa proses sosialisasi adalah proses belajar individu untuk bertingkah laku sesuai dengan standar yang terdapatdalam kebudayaan masyarakatnya. Menurut R.S. Lazarus, proses sosialisasi adalah proses akomodasi, dengan mana individu menghambat atau mengubah impuls-impuls sesuai dengan tekanan lingkungan, dan mengembangkan pola-pola nilai dan tingkah laku-tingkah laku yang baru yang sesuai dengan kebudayaan masyarakat

Individu Keluarga dan Kebudayaan

04.24 Posted by Ramadhani


Individu adalah seorang manusia yang tidak hanya memiliki peranan khas di dalam lingkungan sosialnya, melainkan juga mempunyai kepribadian serta pola tingkah laku spesifik dirinya. Terdapat tiga aspek yang melekat sebagai persepsi terhadap individu, yaitu aspek organik jasmaniah, aspek psikis-rohaniah, dan aspek-sosial yang bila terjadi kegoncangan pada suatu aspek akan membawa akibat pada aspek yang lainnya. Individu dalam tingkah laku menurut pola pribadinya ada 3 kemungkinan: pertama menyimpang dari norma kolektif kehilangan individualitasnya, kedua takluk terhadap kolektif, dan ketiga memengaruhi masyarakat (Hartomo, 2004: 64).

Keluarga merupakan unit terkecil dari masyarakat yang terdiri dari kepala keluarga dan beberapa orang yang berkumpul dan tinggal di suatu tempat di bawah satu atap dalam keadaan Saling ketergantungan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa karakteristik keluarga adalah :                                                                                          

1. Terdiri dari dua atau lebih individu yang diikat oleh hubungandarah, perkawinan atau adops

2. Anggota keluarga biasanya hidup bersama atau jika terpisah mereka tetap memperhatikan satu sama lain

3. Anggota keluarga berinteraksi satu sama lain dan masing-masing mempunyai peran sosial : suami, istri,       anak, kakak dan adik

4. Mempunyai tujuan : menciptakan dan mempertahankan budaya, meningkatkan perkembangan fisik,        psikologis, dan sosial anggota.

Kebudayaan sangat erat hubungannya dengan masyarakat. Melville J. Herskovits dan Bronislaw Malinowski mengemukakan bahwa segala sesuatu yang terdapat dalam masyarakat ditentukan oleh kebudayaan yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat itu sendiri. Istilah untuk pendapat itu adalah Cultural-Determinism. Herskovits memandang kebudayaan sebagai sesuatu yang turun temurun dari satu generasi ke generasi yang lain, yang kemudian disebut sebagai superorganic. Menurut Andreas Eppink, kebudayaan mengandung keseluruhan pengertian nilai sosial,norma sosial, ilmu pengetahuan serta keseluruhan struktur-struktur sosial, religius, dan lain-lain, tambahan lagi segala pernyataan intelektual dan artistik yang menjadi ciri khas suatu masyarakat. Menurut Edward Burnett Tylor, kebudayaan merupakan keseluruhan yang kompleks, yang di dalamnya terkandung pengetahuan, kepercayaan, kesenian, moral, hukum, adat istiadat, dan kemampuan-kemampuan lain yang didapat seseorang sebagai anggota masyarakat. Menurut Selo Soemardjan dan Soelaiman Soemardi, kebudayaan adalah sarana hasil karya, rasa, dan cipta masyarakat. Dari berbagai definisi tersebut, dapat diperoleh pengertian mengenai kebudayaan adalah sesuatu yang akan memengaruhi tingkat pengetahuan dan meliputi sistem ide atau gagasan yang terdapat dalam pikiran manusia, sehingga dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kebudayaan itu bersifat abstrak. Sedangkan perwujudan kebudayaan adalah benda-benda yang diciptakan oleh manusia sebagai makhluk yang berbudaya, berupa perilaku dan benda-benda yang bersifat nyata, misalnya pola-pola perilaku, bahasa, peralatan hidup, organisasi sosial, religi, seni, dan lain-lain, yang kesemuanya ditujukan untuk membantu manusia dalam melangsungkan kehidupan bermasyarakat.

Penduduk, Masyarakat, dan Kebudayaan

04.22 Posted by Ramadhani

Penduduk adalah sekumpulan manusia yang mendiami suatu wilayah. Di Indonesia banyak sekali permasalahan dalam pemetaan penduduk diantaranya adalah.

1. Kepadatan Penduduk
Dapat kita lihat di kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta. setiap bulanya peningkatan dikota jakarta terus terjadi yang menyebabkan kota jakarta penuh dan sesak.
Gambar ini menunjukan betapa sesaknya kota besar di Indonesia karena lahan yang ada tidak mencukupi jumlah populasi yang ada.

2. Pengendalian Jumlah Penduduk
Untuk mengatasi masalah kepadatan penduduk ini pemerintah menganjurkan kepada warganya untuk mengikuti KB. Yakni keluarga Berencana, Tapi tetap saja anjuran ini tidak sepenuhnya didengarkan oleh rakya karena bergai macam hal. Kita ambil satu contoh di negara Cina. Pemerintahnya melarang rakyaknya mempunyai keturunan lebih dari satu. Maksudnya jika ada satu keluarga yang memiliki anak lebih dari satu, maka anak terakhirnya harus dibunuh atau di gugurkan (menurut sumber yang saya dengar dan baca).
Tentu pemerintah Indonesia tidak akan menyuruh kita seperti itu dengan alasan yang sudah jelas yaitu dilarang agama, solusinya dalah dengan cara ber KB.
Masyarakat adalah sekelompok orang yang membentuk sebuah sistem semi tertutup (atau semi terbuka), dimana sebagian besar interaksi adalah antara individu-individu yang berada dalam kelompok tersebut. Kata “masyarakat” sendiri berakar dari kata dalam bahasa Arab, musyarak. Lebih abstraknya, sebuah masyarakat adalah suatu jaringan hubungan-hubungan antar entitas-entitas. Masyarakat adalah sebuah komunitas yang interdependen (saling tergantung satu sama lain). Umumnya, istilah masyarakat digunakan untuk mengacu sekelompok orang yang hidup bersama dalam satu komunitas yang teratur.

Kebudayaan adalah Budaya atau kebudayaan berasal dari bahasa Sanskerta yaitu buddhayah, yang merupakan bentuk jamak dari buddhi (budi atau akal) diartikan sebagai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan budi dan akal manusia.
Dalam bahasa Inggris, kebudayaan disebut culture, yang berasal dari kata Latin Colere, yaitu mengolah atau mengerjakan. Bisa diartikan juga sebagai mengolah tanah atau bertani. Kata culture juga kadang diterjemahkan sebagai “kultur” dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Indonesia banyak sekali memiliki kebudayaan seperti Tarian,Musik,dll. Ada satu budaya atau kesenian clasik INdonesia yang sudah diakui dunia yaitu BATIK. betapa bangganya kita saat tahu bahwa batik sudah diakui di dunia kalau itu milik Indonesia.
Banyak kebudayaan Indonesia yang sudah pudar. Kulturnya pun sudah rusak oleh pengaruh dari kebudayaan luar. Contohnya saja banyak anak muda zaman sekarang lebih suka menari modern dari pada tradisional. Padahal jika kita lihat trian tradisional jauh lebih menarik dan memberikan banyak nilai positif untuk kita
Jika kita lihat lebih spesifik antara ketiga ini memiliki hubungan yang menarik awalnya dimulai dari penduduk jika melebihi batasnya akan menjadi masyarakat. Dari masyarakat ini kita bisa mendapatkan banyak kreativitas yang natinya akan menjadi suatu BUDAYA. Jadi dapat kita simpulkan bahwa diantara ketiga ini memiliki hubungan yang amat erat sehingga dapat di katakan melengkapi satu sama lain.

Menurut Soerjono Soekanto masalah sosial adalah suatu ketidaksesuaian antara unsur-unsur kebudayaan atau masyarakat, yang membahayakan kehidupan kelompok sosial.
Jika terjadi bentrokan antara unsur-unsur yang ada dapat menimbulkan gangguan hubungan sosial seperti kegoyahan dalam kehidupan kelompok atau masyarakat.
Masalah sosial muncul akibat terjadinya perbedaan yang mencolok antara nilai dalam masyarakat dengan realita yang ada. Yang dapat menjadi sumber masalah sosial yaitu seperti proses sosial dan bencana alam.
Adanya masalah sosial dalam masyarakat ditetapkan oleh lembaga yang memiliki kewenangan khusus seperti tokoh masyarakat, pemerintah, organisasi sosial, musyawarah masyarakat, dan lain sebagainya.
Masalah sosial dapat dikategorikan menjadi 4 (empat) jenis faktor, yakni antara lain :
1. Faktor Ekonomi : Kemiskinan, pengangguran, dll.
2. Faktor Budaya : Perceraian, kenakalan remaja, dll.
3. Faktor Biologis : Penyakit menular, keracunan makanan, dsb.
4. Faktor Psikologis : penyakit syaraf, aliran sesat, dsb.
searcing google penduduk,masyarakat dan kebudayaan

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012


08.42 Posted by Ramadhani

As human beings, we LOVE the feeling of being appreciated. No one can deny the pleasure of such a feeling; we were created this way. But have you ever thought of APPRECIATING what Allah gave and is still giving you?
The following is a song for Outlandish called “Appreciating” that simply narrates how we, mere human beings, wrong Allah by forgetting to APPRECIATE:
As I got up this morning
You watched me and hoped I’d talk to You
Even if it was just a few words
Asking your opinion,
Thanking You for something good that happened, Lord
But You noticed I was too busy
Trying to find the right clothes matching with the right shoes and I
Ran around the house getting ready
You knew there would be minutes to stop and say hello
But I still were too busy
And at one point I had to wait doing nothing
Then You saw me spring to my feet
Thought I wanted to talk
But I ran to the phone
Called a friend… Wassup!
Ok now it’s time for us to talk
So I find an empty room but hesitation is in my heart
A look down the hall …nobody there so I close the door
Take off my new jacket? Man I can’t put this on the floor
I’m gonna have this conversation standin’ or my jeans will get dirty
Better yet I’m gonna sit on this chair right here ‘cause I feel a bit lazy
Almost forgot to pull the curtains so no one can look in
And just when I’m about to utter You some words
Someone steps in
Embarrassed by the moment
I jump up and come up with some stupid excuse
Like I was looking for something
All while You were watching me patiently
Ready to give more chances
With the hope
That eventually at some point I will speak to You
You give me so much
You wait all day for a nod
A prayer or a thought
A thankful part of my heart
To all my moros back home
All day workin’ hard
Struggling all week
Every dawn standing tall
I know You noticed that before lunch I looked around
I felt embarrassed to talk to You
That is why I didn’t bow my head
Glanced 3 or 4 tables over, saw some of my friends talking to You
But I did not, there is still more time left
Hope that I will talk to You yet, but I
Went home and seemed as if I had lots of things to do
After that what is on TV
Suddenly I felt too tired to talk to You
Fell asleep in no time without a thought for You
I know it’s hard to have a one sided conversation
Well give me some days to try again and again and again
Appreciatin’ is something I be forgettin’
Every second, 24/7, I’m a forgetful servant, I gotta be prayin’ though
Appreciatin’, when suffering, calamities call,
My soul be hospitalized and all gonna be alright
To all my moros back home
All day workin’ hard
Struggling all week
Every dawn standing tall
To all my moros sheddin’ tears
Still greet with warm smiles
Patiently throughout the years
Give praise to the most high
So, what do you think? Does this resemble you in some way?
If so, then how about some REFLECTION?

Berbagi :)

08.39 Posted by Ramadhani

"Indahnya kalau kita saling berbagi :) "


07.16 Posted by Ramadhani

Once there lived two brothers who lost their parents at an early age. They worked together on their family farm. Some years later, the elder married and had a family with 2 children, while the other was still single. They worked hard together in the day and at the end of each day they shared their produce equally.
One day while the single brother was working in the fields, he thought to himself, “It’s not right that we share equally everything. I’m alone and my needs are simple. My brother has a big family. He needs much more.” With that in mind he took a sack full of grains and slowly went to his brothers barn and places the sack quietly. He did so every night.
Meanwhile, the married brother thought to himself, “It’s not right that we share everything equally. After all, I’m married and I have my wife and children to look after me in years to come. My brother has no family and no one can take care of his future. He really should have a bigger share.” So each night he took a bag of grain and put it into his brothers barn quietly.
This went on and both men were puzzled for years because their grain never dwindled.
Then one night, on the way to each others barn, the two brothers coincidentally met and they found out what was happening all these years! They dropped their bags, cried and embraced one another with tears of happiness.
Moral: love for your brother what you love for yourself.
May ALLAH allow us to implement this beautiful quality in our lives and keep us away from jealousy. Aameen.

beautiful thought!

07.14 Posted by Ramadhani

#Subhannallah what a beautiful thought! 

Minggu, 18 Maret 2012


20.15 Posted by Ramadhani
Friends are the ones you remember, true friends are the ones who remember you in their sujud.


20.07 Posted by Ramadhani

#subhannallah beautiful

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Ayat Al-Kursi

20.47 Posted by Ramadhani
It is the Most Respectable Ayat of the Qur’aan Kareem.
Some important benefits of the respected Ayat

The respected Ayat comprises of many important benefits. Some are mentioned hereunder:

1. This is the most lofty Ayat of the Qur’aan Kareem.

2. That is the chief Ayat of the Qur’aan Kareem.

3. The reader of it is protected from the evil effects of the Jinnat from morning until evening and from evening until morning.

4. It is from the threshold of the arsh.

5. It is equal to a quarter of the Qur’aan Kareem.

6. Whoever recites it after the fard Salaat will be protected until the next Salaat and reciting it constantly was done by the Nabi, Siddique or Martyr and only death is the barrier between the reader and Jannat.

7. Blowing it upon food and drink brings blessings and abundance.

8. It is greater than the skies, earth, Jannat and Jahannam.

9. Whosoever reads it upon entering the home, Satan runs away from there.

10. The reciter, his children, home, wealth, property and the homes of his neighbors are safe.

11. Whosoever reads it together with the last Ayats of Surah Baqarah, Shaitaan does not enter his home for three days.

12. The Jinnaat cannot open any utensil upon which it is read.

13. In it is the Ism Azam.

14. The thief does not come near it’s reciter.

15. When recited with the last Ayat of Surah Baqarah then the plea of the reciter will not go unattended.

16. When reciting it whilst retiring to one’s sleeping place, one is protected until the morning. Two angels are deputed to protect him.

17. Whosoever recites it after every fard Salaat, will be rewarded with a grateful heart, a remembering tongue, the reward of being martyred in the path of Allaah, and will also be rewarded like the Siddiques.

18. Who reads it and “Inna Rabba bi kum Allaah..” and the last two Quls for a women on delivery, then the delivery becomes easy.

19. When one reads it and blows on his possessions and goods, then Shaitaan will not come near.

20. Whosoever reads Ayatul Kursi and the beginning of Surah Ghafir in the morning then he will be protected and be safe from the morning until the evening and vice versa. Subahaanallaah!.

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012


21.07 Posted by Ramadhani

It is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Tips for the Revert Muslim

07.16 Posted by Ramadhani

12 Tips for the Revert Muslim

1. Practice Islam as much as you can

“He who loves my Sunnah has loved me, and he who loves me will be with me in Paradise.”
-The Prophet Muhammad (Tirmidhi)
 As a new Muslim, you will have trouble keeping up with prayers every day, fasting during Ramadan, and the many other practices in this religion. The struggle that we face, with such a radical change in lifestyle, is difficult and will take some time. Awkward moments are bound to happen, don’t fret. You are not expected to wake up at 4am every morning to pray tahajjud (extra night prayers). If you have problems with certain practices, then gradually work yourself into the mindset of worship. A counselor once told me when I was young, “How do you eat an elephant? Just One bite at a time.” Think of it as one step at a time. Pray to Allah (swt) and ask for Him to make it easy for you and the rest will come naturally.
Keeping up with your devotional practices is something that will strengthen your faith immensely. Read the Qur’an whenever possible. Find a collection of hadith, such as Riyadh us-Saliheen, and read it often. You will start to feel a connection to Allah (swt) and you will become used to Islam as a religion and way of life.

2.  Respect your parents

“Heaven lies under the feet of your mother.”
-The Prophet Muhammad ? (Ahmad, Nasa’i)
Keeping up a good relationship with your family is essential. Try to avoid bringing up or taking part in controversial subjects regarding religion. This is almost unavoidable, but your parents will eventually accept that Islam is not going to turn you into a terrorist if you stay calm during these tense moments. Gradually, your parents will gain some respect and understanding of Islam and may start to become genuinely interested. This is a great sign and insha’Allah, God will make a way for them to accept Islam.
What you do not want to do is act like you know everything, attempt to debate everything, or overly defend yourself in a way that might make you angry or upset. This will just cause heartache and uneasiness. Your priority now should be to work on yourself.

3. Find a teacher

“For him who follows a path for seeking knowledge, Allah will ease for him the path to Paradise.”
-The Prophet Muhammad ? (Muslim)
 Finding a teacher to bounce ideas off of is a great way to learn your deen (religion). I found it is good to find someone with as much knowledge as possible who also has an understanding of the English language and American culture. It is difficult to listen to someone with a thick accent or someone with a back-home mentality. When I first accepted Islam, I would drive every day to visit my teacher and I would ask him what seemed like an endless stream of questions. Sometimes he seemed overwhelmed! This is a great way to clarify things you hear on Sheikh Youtube or Google or any part of the Qur’an you are reading at the time.
This will also help you have a real grounding in the Islamic tradition. You will eventually have spent more time learning Islam than most people from Muslim families. Maintain a sense of humility if you do gain a lot of knowledge, as there will always be someone who will be more knowledgeable than you. Learn everything you can in small chunks, no one is asking you to be a scholar!

4. Keep away from debates and arguments

“Verily anger spoils faith as aloe spoils honey.”
-The Prophet Muhammad ? (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi)
Trying to constantly defend your religion is something that will cause you a lot of stress. I remember when I first accepted Islam, it seemed like the whole world was after me. This may happen to different people at different levels, but it was a very overwhelming experience for me. The best thing to do is avoid these arguments at all costs. If you are mature about your religion and display a desire to explain yourself without refuting others, then many doors will open for you. You are bound to give someone a refreshing view of Islam, which is what so many people are hungry for after seeing Islam in such a negative light in the media.
Staying away from these discussions will put you at peace and give you breathing room. A lot of converts are not really comfortable with bringing up their religion because of the backlash they receive. Personally, I recognized that if I just mention it when necessary, I get a more positive reaction. You’ll be surprised to hear “Oh that’s cool dude, what made you pick that religion?” This is always an opportunity for da’wah (inviting to Islam).

5. Gain a connection to the Arabic language

“Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an that you might understand.”
-The Holy Qur’an, 12:2
This is one of my favorite parts of becoming a Muslim. To be honest, I’m a language-lover and I realize everyone is not the same in this regard. Just because you failed high school Spanish though doesn’t mean you will have trouble with Arabic. There are many tricks to learning the language that I won’t go into here, but there are ways to make this easier on yourself. These methods can be found online or in books; with a little research you can pave your way to gaining an understanding of Arabic.
Start by learning the alphabet and connecting letters together. You can learn this in an afternoon if you know someone that is a native Arabic speaker (but go at your own pace). Sit on that for a while and eventually you will be able to follow along in the Qur’an if you listen to a recitation on your computer or MP3 player. You will start to recognize words, after which you can get into simple grammar rules. I recommend learning common nouns and prepositions first (words like “in”, “on”, “for” and “with”).
Arabic can be really enjoyable, and you are bound to gain an Islamic vocabulary after listening to talks or lectures. Eventually you will know meanings of words like “furqaan” and “sajdah” and you’ll be able to use them in conversations with Muslims. Sabr (patience) is essential!

6. Understand Islam’s organic nature

“Those who make things hard for themselves will be destroyed. (He said it three times.)”
-The Prophet Muhammad ? (Muslim)
Coming to Islam will sometimes put you in a situation where you are overwhelmed with opinions that are hard to follow. As an example, one might be told that you have to wash your feet every time you make wudhu (ablution) unless you wipe over leather socks that have been worn from your previous wudhu. For most Americans, the idea of wearing leather socks is something that we find extremely unusual. If we do a little research, we find there are opinions of scholars that mention the permissibility of wiping over cotton socks (even ones with holes in them!). To an American convert, these opinions can cause a huge sigh of relief.

7. Maintain your Identity

“O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.”
-The Holy Qur’an, 49:1
Being a Muslim is a huge part of your identity now. That doesn’t mean you can’t barbeque with your friends or watch football on Sundays. If there are things in your culture that do not directly contradict with basic Islamic creed, then you are welcome to keep those things in your life. You do not need to start wearing Arab or Indian clothing. As long as your clothes cover what they are supposed to cover, you are in the clear.
Many converts are also exposed to really weird food that is overly spicy or funny tasting. This might lead us to think that eating curry is sunnah or something righteous. We can still have our own culture and tastes in food: pot roast and beans are still halal!
There are many other examples of things that you will be exposed to that are from foreign cultures and do not necessarily have anything to do with Islam. Our goal as new Muslims is to worship Allah (swt), not to add a Pakistani or Arab identity to our persona.
It is good to have a teacher who understands the subtleties of different opinion in fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and can inform you of differences among the scholars on issues that are of concern. Most people in masajid will have a very limited view of the juristic possibilities inside the Islamic tradition. Islam is a vast tradition and we should not make it small. These diverse opinions are there to help us, not cause strain on ourselves.

8. Force yourself to go to the masjid

“The person who receives the greatest reward for the Salah is one who lives the farthest and has the farthest to walk.”
-The Prophet Muhammad ? (Bukhari, Muslim)
Going on Fridays is a given, but I would also recommend trying to fit a few prayers (at least) per week in the masjid. This will open many doors for you and will insha’Allah grant many good deeds to your account. You will meet people who are connected to Islam; networking opportunities are more readily available; and you are bound to make long-lasting friends. This is one of the things that I really love about Islam, that you can almost always find people in the masjid.
Although this may be hard initially, try and go to the masjid. The payoff will be huge, even if you just pray and leave right after. You will eventually warm up to the community and you can feel more comfortable going to the masjid whenever you like.

9. Find Muslim friends and avoid severing ties

“On the Day of Resurrection Allah Almighty will proclaim: “Where are those who have mutual love for My Glory’s sake? Today I shall shelter them in My shade where there is no shade but Mine.”
-The Prophet Muhammad ? (Muslim)
Saying “As-salamu ‘Alaykum” ( “Peace be upon you”)  to people you see on campus or at the grocery store is a real blessing in Islam. It immediately lets people know you are Muslim and they usually will be happy to return the greeting and hopefully share a few words with you. Doors of friendship will be opened and you will meet lots of people. Try and spend some time with Muslims when you can. It is beneficial to remind yourself that you are not the only Muslim on the planet and you share your religion with almost 2 billion people around the globe.
Also, don’t sever your friendships with your non-Muslim friends unless they are constantly partying or using the list of major sins as their weekend to-do list. You can be a light to your Christian, Agnostic, Jewish, or Atheist friends. You never know who Allah (swt) will guide, and showing that you are living an ethical life can encourage these people to learn a little about Islam or change their mind to having a positive view of the religion.

10. Avoid Loneliness

“Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the strangers.”
-The Prophet Muhammad ? (Muslim)
This is a major problem in the convert community. We are lonely. The best thing we can do to fight the feeling of loneliness is to spend as much time as possible with good company. Having dinners with people a few nights a week is a sure way to maintain a good attitude. The practice of becoming a nun or a monk is alien to Islam; we are social creatures and Islam recognizes this.
Try not to lock yourself away in your apartment to avoid the world. This will just cause a vicious cycle that will cause deep depression and can lead to searching for solace in haram (unlawful).
Make it an obligation on yourself to remain a sociable human being. It takes a lot of work but the result is happiness and contentment in life.

11. Stay away from extremism

“And thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people.”
-The Holy Qur’an, 2:143
Most converts do not enter Islam looking for an extremist point of view. Unfortunately, we have seen some converts do end up overseas working for terrorist organizations. This is something that can happen from a person feeling victimized or ostracized by their own culture and being overcome with anger.
I personally have not had a problem with anyone trying to “radicalize” me. It does happen enough though that it should be a concern. It will be best for you to keep your head on your shoulders and not get caught up with extreme points of view. Know that all of the scholars overseas and in America have absolutely refuted terrorism in their fatawa (legal rulings). Extremism is on the very edges of the Islamic thought. Do your best to stay on a middle way.

12. Do not despair

“So know that victory is with patience, and relief is with distress and that with hardship comes ease.”
-The Prophet Muhammad ?
Being a convert to Islam, you will face a lot of tribulations. There is not anything that you cannot overcome though, and never despair in Allah (swt).
Allah (swt) guided to you to Islam, you searched for the answer and you found it. Be happy and constantly remind yourself of the blessings in your life. There are a lot of good things that will happen to you and you are on the straight road to Jannah (paradise). Rejoice in being Muslim. Remember the Sahabah (companions) were all converts to Islam and they were human beings that came from Adam and Eve just like you! Be strong and find comfort in your prayers and worship to Allah (swt). The first six months were the hardest for me, and insha’Allah we will all continue to grow as a convert community in America.

love and loved

06.59 Posted by Ramadhani
To love and be loved, is to feel the sun from both sides. #islam #subhannallah
(Source: shetakesflight)

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Do something

06.38 Posted by Ramadhani
“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” #bismillah